First Baptist Church of Beltsville
Finding Peace with God on the Hilltop of Beltsville
Vacation Bible School is one of my favorite weeks of the year in church ministry. It would be hard to describe to the uninitiated why a weeklong commitment to 85-100 children would be classified as ‘favorite' or ‘fun,' but you will have to trust me that it is a blast! It does require a tremendous amount of effort on the part of our dedicated volunteers. We have a group of awesome VBS workers who help every year, and they seem to get better at what they do over time.
Before I forget, I should mention to all those fabulous workers, please wash and store your I [love] VBS shirts for next year. We purchased them to be reused from year to year, regardless of the theme. I have heard that it was helpful for the children to identify workers quickly by the bold VBS shirt. We will order replacements or new shirts as needed each Spring. Thanks again for all that you do!
For all the church members that cannot be here to help during the day when we hold Bible School, I would like to formally invite you to assist us with Fall and Winter activities. The choir does a beautiful job with Christmas music, and they begin practicing in early Fall. They meet to practice at times which are typically good for working adults: Sunday morning and Sunday evening. Additionally, this is a year that we would like to have the Live Nativity. We will need YOU to be a part of this wonderful portrayal of Christ's birth. Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall; there is never a bad time to serve the Lord!